The Vintage Chiffon Cake Site

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Frostings/Icings, etc.

Creamy Nut Icing (Version 2)

Melt 1/2 cup shortening (butter adds fla-
vor). Remove from heat, blend in 2 1/2 tbsp.
GOLD MEDAL Flour, 1/4 tsp. salt. Stir in
slowly 1/2 cup milk. Bring to a boil, stir con-
stantly. Boil 1 min. If mixture curdles, do not
be alarmed. Stir in 1/2 cup brown sugar
(packed in cup). Remove from heat. Stir in 2
cups sifted confectioners' sugar. Set in cold
water. Beat until consistency to spread. Add
1/2 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 cup nuts, coarsely chopped.
Makes Icing for Large Cake; for Small Cake,
use half recipe.

This recipe has the same name as (and is nearly identical to) . . . Creamy Nut Icing . . . but:

Source: Gold Medal Chiffon Cakes, p. 12.