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You need: Pastry for two-crust pie (8")
. . . 2 cups Canned Berries or Pitted Sour
Red Pie Cherries (well drained) . . . 1/3 to
1/2 cup Sugar* . . . 3 tbsp. sifted Gold
Medal "Kitchen-tested" Flour . . . 1/3 tsp.
Cinnamo (if desired) . . . 3/4 tbsp. Butter
. . . 6 tbsp. juice from Berries or Cherries
* To determine amt. of sugar, taste juice and a
berry together. If taste is sweet, use minimum
sugar. You can substitute corn syrup (light or
dark) for half of the sugar if you reduce fruit
juice 4 tbsp. for each cup of syrup used.
MIX the sugar and flour. Sprinkle
half over chilled pastry in pan. Add
well drained berries or cherries.
Sprinkle rest of sugar, flour through
them. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Dot
with butter. Add the fruit juice.
Wet edge of pastry. Lay top crust
on filling. Trim. Leave 1/2" hanging
over edge of pan; fold this under edge
of bottom pastry; seal by pressing to-
gether on edge of pan. Build up a
fluted edge . . . . Bake till nicely browned
(takes about 30 minutes). Use a hot
oven (450°) for first 15 min.; a mod-
erate oven (350°) to finish. Serve
slightly warm, not hot.
FOR CANNED CHERRY: pie, leave out cin-
namon; add a drop of almond flavoring.
1 1/2 cups sifted GOLD MEDAL "Kitchen-
tested" Flour . . . 3/4 tsp. Salt . . . 1/2 cup
Shortening* . . . 3 to 4 tbsp. Ice water *
*In Southeast (Where Gold Medal is made from
Soft Wheat) use 3/8 cup shortening (6 tbsp.),
and 2 to 3 tbsp. water.
SIFT flour and salt together into mixing
bowl. Add 1/2 the shortening, cuttig in
finely with 2 knives till mixture looks like
meal. Add remaining shortening, cutting
in coarsely (size of giant peas).
Sprinkle water lightly over mixture . . .
blending it in till dough can be just pressed
into a ball. Then let stand a few minutes.
Divide roughly in half. Round up larger
portion on lightly floured cloth-covered
board and roll out round for lower crust
to fit 8" pan. Pat, fit loosely into pan, trim
ragged edges, spread with 1 tsp. melted but-
ter. Put into refrigerator to chill thoroughly.
Roll out other part of dough for top
crust, to extend 1/2" beyond edge of pan.
Fold in half. Make several cuts for escap-
ing steam. Unfold. Place on waxed
paper. Place in refrigerator to chill.
Perfect results guaranteed only with
Gold Medal "Kitchen-tested" Flour.